Ohashi Bridge

Ohashi Bridge spans the Hirose River and connects Sendai Castle to its town below. In the Edo period (17-19c.), it was located slightly upstream of its current location, and you can still see traces of the old pillars on the river bottom.

Ohashi Bridge was repeatedly rebuilt after being washed away by floods, but in 1892, an iron bridge was installed at its present location. In 1938, the structure was replaced with the current concrete bridge.


Ohashi Bridge - feudal era VR

If you are using SENDAI free Wi-Fi

Since the Wi-Fi reception is weak around this area, download the image in advance at the Loople Sendai "Sendai City Museum/Sendai International Center (Visit external site)" bus stop and then view it at the local VR experience spot.

Go to the location of the VR experience spot!

Near the Ohashi Bridge
Near the Ohashi Bridge
Open the map (Visit external site)

Experience VR at each spot!

How to use
  • This website requires your location information, so please make sure this is enabled.
  • If the orientation is incorrect after the VR image is displayed, try reloading.
Click here for more information on how to use
VR rendered image
View VR

For users of Apple products including iPhone

For iOS 12.2–12.4.3

After updating to iOS 12.2, VR images may not be displayed properly in Safari. In that event, check Settings on the device as shown below.

  1. Go to Settings > Safari >Privacy & Security > Motion & Orientation Access.
  2. Make sure that Motion & Orientation Access is enabled.

For iOS 13 or higher

For iOS 13 or higher, a permission message requesting access to the sensor will be displayed. To view VR images in Safari, press Allow.
If you pressed Cancel, reload the page. If the permission message does not appear, close the tab and restart Safari.

Compare with a present-day panoramic photo!

VR rendered image
Present-day panoramic photo can be viewed anywhere
View panoramic photo