Important Notice


Information (including but not limited to CG, photos, and illustrations) posted on this website is copyrighted.
Any unauthorized reproduction or appropriation of such information is strictly prohibited, unless otherwise approved by the Copyright Law, such as "duplication for private use" or "for citations."


Although every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information posted on this website, Sendai City shall not bear any responsibility for actions users may take based on the information on this website.
Sendai City is not responsible for any damage or loss incurred upon users by accessing this website.
Please note that this website may not be compatible on some devices.


Contents of this website are subject to change, revision or removal without prior notice.

Communication charges

Although the use of this website is free, separate data charges may be incurred on users.
Click here for information about using SENDAI free Wi-Fi

Ensuring safety

Avoid using smartphones and/or tablets while walking, as it could be dangerous to yourself and others. Use VR only in a safe area and pay attention to the surroundings while using.